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How to Help Sending Love to the World


Sending Love to the World is an even that is open to all peoples without discrimination or judgment. Anyone is eligible to participate and everyone is encouraged to not only participate but to share with and invite friends who might also like to share in sending love to the world.

How to help Sending Love to the World December 25 who what when where why


Sending Love to the World is an even where the energies of all people participating are focused at a particular time and place for a period of time to send a powerful love vibrationally charged force to effect the world in a positive way in an effort to make the world a better place.


The current event is scheduled from

Midnight November 10th to Midnight January 1st.

Participants are to engage in sending love to the world by prayer, meditation, focusing their attention (or any other method that they are versed in or comfortable with) on sending love to the world.


This is non-physical-location participation. You can participate at any time, at any place that is convenient for you. All love energies will be combined to benefit those less fortunate and the world at large for the greater good.


Starting November 11th through the 1st of January, and peaking out on December 25th, there is traditionally a huge spike in crime, hospitalization, depression, and death among all age groups and across all social demographics.

We believe that by combining our efforts in sending love to the world at this fragile moment in time, that we can help to affect those suffering to feel love and have hope for a better life.


Commit to donating at least 3 minutes of your day to purposely and mindfully with all your heart’s ability in sending love to the world. (Many will be led to much longer periods, but all we are asking for is a 3-minute minimum commitment.)

Use any method that is comfortable for you.

There will be a meditation video stream on the homepage of sendinglovetotheworld.com to use as a guided meditation for those who would like to join in that manner.

Feel free to share your comments below for others of ways that they can focus their love and send it to others.

Thank you

It is with the deepest gratitude that we appreciate you sacrificing your time to reach out and help others with your love-focused intention.

May you be blessed as you bless others.