I am so thankful and blessed, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day that I get to spend living life on this planet. I have experienced the greatest of all peak experiences to their fullest and I have weathered the desolate valleys, and if I had a chance to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.
I am thankful for all the people whom I know and have known, the people who love and support me, and those who don’t particularly care for me, even the haters. They all have been integral parts of my life, which is the most magnificent tapestry.
Of course, I wish everyone could love me, but I am an acquired taste, and not everyone can appreciate me for who I am. I am blessed either way because if it weren’t for those who would rather avoid me, I might take the respect and love I receive from others for granted. It just makes them all the more precious to me.
I suppose life has led me down a path accompanied by a soundtrack I sing along with as I traverse which is often optimistic. Even in the worst of times, I can see the good in all things (albeit, not necessarily at the get-go, but I get there).
It is from this blessed space that I like
Sending Love to the World

Initially, a solitary and private undertaking, I invited others to join me in sending love to the world, for the sake of others who are unable to find joy and may be suffering hardship, especially during the holidays, for, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”
It could easily be me in such a state of loss or disrepair, that I could not see the light, any glimmer whatsoever, and might even contemplate whether my life was worth living at all. It is for these people that I try to remember to take a few minutes out of my holiday season to send them love. And not just them, but broaden my scope to include my family, friends, community, state, country and include sending love to the world.
As I invite people to join me, all I ask is that you set aside at least three minutes from your holiday activities for sending love to the world. I usually send love in ten-minute intervals, but only three minutes of sending love to the world increases the love which radiates in your life, boosts your immune system for up to eight hours, and reverses aging. (Who wouldn’t want to do that?) It doesn’t cost a dime, and is beneficial to others, as you join in, even if only for a few minutes because the effects are cumulative and exponential.
You can send love in any manner which resonates with you. You can pray, meditate, light a candle, or whatever other way you choose to send love to the world. If you’re at a loss about how to engage in sending love to the world, then, by all means, you are invited to try my
Please, if you have known love, even if you are like me and have loved and lost, at least you have known it, given love, even if it wasn’t reciprocated. So many, have not even had the privilege of knowing love at all.
And for those who are reserved, withdrawn, suffering and in pain, a little love vibration might just be what they need to make it through this tough time in life, and you helped by sending love to the world.
If you’re reading this on Thanksgiving, please consider being bold enough to take a few minutes out of your family celebration to join in sending love to the world. And if Thanksgiving day has passed, please consider doing it anytime during the holidays.
Sending Love to the World runs from November 11th, through the 1st of January, with the most important days being Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and New Years. These are the days, when the people who are not doing well may feel the most desolate. You and we can make a difference.
Thank you for joining me this year in sending love to the world.
~ David M Masters
Please share this with your friends, and invite them to join us.