Tag Archives: law of prevision

Is sending love to the world like the law of attraction?

The idea of sending out energy in an effort to affect another or the world at large is quite the opposite of the law of attraction as it is based on the law of prevision.

In the law of attraction, it’s all about me. In the law of prevision, it’s all about everyone and everything but me.

In the case of sending love to the world we engage the forward-thinking intention and motivation to proactively project or broadcast energy for the benefit of someone or something else using a meditative, prayerful mindset or waking state imagination for the benefit of others.

Though the law of attraction is based on the secret of the wealthiest people on this planet (so wealthy, in fact, that their actual net worth is a protected secret, not like the private individuals whose financial statistics we are allowed to see publicized as the “richest people” in the USA or the world) the law of prevision is based on giving rather than receiving.

In fact, it is a key component missing from the law of attraction that excludes it from the universal concept of the law of giving and receiving.

With previsioning the more one gives, the more one receives.

For instance, if you tune in to sendinglovetotheworld.com and use our online stream of a guided prevision meditation whereby you act as a conduit for pure unconditional love and broadcast this love energy to your family, community, country and the world.

Even though the process only takes a few minutes, you will receive the benefits of basking in this love vibration.

The benefits include better health and wellness, cellular renewal, peace and harmony and the effects will last for up to six hours.

And by participating in the unbridled love broadcast your giving will also give you’re a predisposition to receive love in proportions that might otherwise be unexpected.

With altruistic and compassionate intention, we focus this energy onto others and the world for the greater good.

The benefits that you receive will be commensurate to the degree of selflessness that you exercise during this process.

So, to answer your question briefly, “Is sending love to the world like the law of attraction.” The answer is both yes and no.

The more important question is, “Is it for the greater good?” Absolutely. This is a higher calling.

Thank you for joining us and helping to spread the word and inviting others to participate in this event.

-David Masters